If you have any concerns in filling the form you need, feel free to speak with the vicar, one of the churchwardens or Parish Administrator. We are happy to support you.
For Baptism
If you are a regular worshipper at St. George's or if you are a resident in our Parish boundary, you are entitled to be baptised at St. George's.
Click HERE to download the form.
** If you want to check which church is your residential parish church, please visit HERE and type your postcode for more information.
For Confirmation
We recommend you to contact the vicar first to check the date of next Confirmation Service before you send us the form. To be confirmed, you must be a baptised Christian.
Click HERE to download the form.
For Banns of Marriage
Banns of Marriage is to be called for three consecutive Sundays. Please, contact the vicar as soon as possible to discuss more details.
Click HERE to download the form.
For Marriage
At. St. George's, the PCC holds the traditional view/understanding of Marriage between Man and Woman.
To be married at St. George's, one of you must be either;
a. a registered (on our Electoral Roll) regular member of St. George's or
b. a resident within our parish boundary or
c. a person who has a Qualifying Connection with St. George's
To find out more information regarding the marriage at St. George's, please speak with the vicar as soon as possible.
Click HERE to download the form.
For Vicar's Reference for School Admission
If your child is applying to our Parish Primary School or one of the Church of England Secondary Schools, you can ask the vicar to assist your Application.
It is depending on which school your child is applying to, but usually, the form will ask the vicar to confirm that you are a regular worshipper at St. George's (your church attendance rate is important).
If you have been a regular member with us, you would already be on our Electoral Roll, then the rest is easy. If you are not on the Roll, you would need to speak with the vicar.
If your child is applying to a Roman Catholic School, the form needs to be filled by a Roman Catholic Priest. This means you would need to attend the Roman Catholic Church on a regular basis.
However, if you are a regular member of St. George's, the vicar will write a Supporting Letter for you.
If you have any concerns/questions, please contact the vicar for more information.